Brockwood Park
Brockwood Park was purchased by the Krishnamurti Foundation in 1969. Chosen for its peaceful yet accessible location in the South Downs, it provides the ideal setting for inquiry into the whole of life. The four elements of Brockwood Park complement each other and form a unique whole: Brockwood Park School for teenage boarding students from all over the world, the Krishnamurti Centre for adults to study the work of Krishnamurti, the Foundation which makes sure Krishnamurti’s teachings are available to those interested worldwide, and Inwoods Small School for primary day pupils. Staff and volunteers, together with students, live on-site in an atmosphere of exploration and cooperation.
Brockwood Park School
Brockwood Park School is an international, co-educational boarding school offering a personalised, holistic education for around 70 students aged 14 to 19. The school is deeply inspired by Krishnamurti’s teachings, which encourage academic excellence, self-understanding, creativity and integrity in a safe, non-competitive environment.
A Brockwood education goes beyond more traditional kinds of learning. Not exclusively academic, its mission is to help students learn the art of living, bringing together aspects of learning, sensitivity, open-mindedness and self-reflection which are too often ignored.
Krishnamurti Centre
With instructions from Krishnamurti, the Centre was designed by the architect Keith Critchlow in 1985 and is set in over forty acres of grounds in the peaceful Hampshire countryside. The Krishnamurti Centre has nineteen en-suite rooms, a library, lounge, quiet room, conservatory, video rooms and dining area. All meals are vegetarian, with a vegan option. There is no guidance or structured activity outside the Theme Weekends or Study Retreats, and guests can arrange their own study programme, use the library, walk in the grounds or inquire informally with others. Day guests may use the Centre’s facilities without charge, and, by prior arrangement, have lunch for which there is a charge.
The Centre’s collection of books, audio and video recordings in many languages, is available for all guests. The library contains copies of all Krishnamurti’s books and many translations. There are two video rooms and portable audio and video players available for guests to use. The bookshop stocks a comprehensive selection of Krishnamurti material for sale in many formats.
Krishnamurti Foundation
Established in 1968 as an educational charitable trust, the Foundation exists to preserve and make available Krishnamurti’s teachings, as well as to support Brockwood Park School, Inwoods Small School and the Krishnamurti Centre.
The Foundation is not a religious organisation nor does it have any spiritual authority but it provides a service to those who may be interested in pursuing an understanding of the teachings in their own lives.
Get Involved with the Activities of Brockwood Park
Whether as a volunteer or to attend an event, there are many ways to visit Brockwood Park and get involved in the work of the Foundation.
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Brockwood Park
Bramdean, Alresford
Hampshire SO24 0LQ
United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 1962 771 744
Company Registration No. 1055588
Registered Charity No. 312865
© Krishnamurti Foundation Trust Ltd